CELLINK has entered a collaboration agreement with Spermosens AB, Malmö University and SLU to develop an invitro diagnostic (IVD) device that helps determine infertility.

Scientist and BIO X printhead

As part of the research call Prospekt 21, financed in part by a grant provided by KK Stiftelse, the group will work to develop diagnostic methods and point of care devices that include bioink and electrochemical systems, both integrating proteins to help determine the health of spermatocytes as a predictor of fertility.

Infertility is a widespread health condition that affects an increasing number of couples, with the WHO estimating more than 48 million couple’s individuals currently living with infertility. While progress has been made in treating infertility and pathways exist to provide these couples with methods to conceive, there remains a large gap in diagnosing infertility with 40% of the cases still going unexplained.

Through this collaboration, Spermosens, CELLINK, Malmö university and SLU look to address this gap, building on Spermosens’ background intellectual property for development of novel diagnostic methods and point of care devices that will help determine infertility in men, enabling faster and improved decision making by healthcare providers with improved patient outcomes. The medical devices will leverage a printable bioink, electrochemical and optical devices tailored for proteins associated with spermatocytes, the primary cell of interest in determining the degree of infertility.

“Reproductive health is an extremely important field of medicine where the potential of bioprinting has not been realized. We are excited to work with such a motivated and knowledgeable group to develop a device that can impact millions of lives” says CELLINK CSO, Itedale Namro Redwan

“We are committed to our mission to develop improved diagnostic solutions to the challenges posed globally by infertility. As part of this commitment, we are confident we have found partners that share this goal and will provide a wealth of expertise that will truly accelerate the development process and ultimately benefit to an increased quality of life for the millions affected worldwide” concludes Spermosens CEO, John Lempert.

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