Manchester, United Kingdom.
This course will explore the use of 3D bioprinting techniques in the development and manufacture of bioengineered systems/devices for application in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Drug Development and other more traditional areas of healthcare. The programme will cover both the use of extrusion- and light-based printing approaches.
Hear from experts already using bioprinting
Participants will hear from experts already using bioprinting to tackle challenges in different healthcare settings. The presentations will offer a chance to learn about the current uses of the technology, where innovation is driving the field, and what future applications can be expected.
Learn how to fabricate complex in vitro models
Attendees will learn how to use different 3D bioprinting technologies and techniques to develop in-vivo like microenvironment and fabricate complex, 3D in vitro models.
Hands-on training in small groups
There is the option for participants to join hands-on training sessions in small groups, each afternoon of the course. Each group will rotate through a series of bioprinting practical demonstrations and discussion sessions around experimental design and best practice. The number of participants is limited to 40 people to maximize hands-on experience.
At the end of course completion, you will receive a certificate.
The course is aimed at PhD students, clinicians, and research or application scientists seeking to use bioprinting technologies to develop novel healthcare solutions. Participants should have prior knowledge and experience in fields covering medicine, biotechnology, or materials science.
After this course you should be able to:
Arrival, registration and refreshments
Welcome to Royce and Royce’s Bioprinting Technology Platform
Tom Hancocks & Marco Domingos
Henry Royce Institute
Introduction to CELLINK
Andrew Ridley PhD, Director Sales & Team Lead Europe, CELLINK
Introduction to the technologies and strategies used within extrusion based bioprinting that later will be applied in the hands-on training. Discover how 3D bioprinting can be used for the creation of in-vivo recapitulating biomimetic models for applications such as drug discovery, immunology, personalized medicine and organ-on-a-chip models.
We will discuss current applications leveraging the precision, flexibility and multifunctionality of the latest 3D bioprinting technologies and how combination of technologies, cell types and bioinks allows access to in-vivo like cellular response in vitro.
Isabella Bondesson
Field Applications Specialist & Team Lead, CELLINK
Description coming soon
Dr. Jason Wong, Academic Consultant & Senior Clinical Lecturer in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
New materials and manufacturing techniques are emerging with the potential to address the challenges associated with the manufacture of pharmaceutical systems that will teach new tricks to old drugs and on the development of new personalised medical devices. Current medical developments are aiming to achieve personalised medicine adapted to patient’s needs. In this context, 3D printing, Bioprinting and 4D printing techniques, allow for a patient-centered approach. Scaffolds, drug-loaded implants, microneedles, and prosthetics have been successfully manufactured; however, some challenges must be overcome to shift to clinical practice. Therefore, the talk will provide an overview of the different systems prepared in our state-of-the-art Additive Manufacturing facility for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications, and discussed the challenges and future of Additive Manufacturing in personalised medicine.
Prof. Dimitrios Lamprou, Chair of Biofabrication and Advanced Manufacturing, School of Pharmacy – Queen’s University Belfast
The talk will describe Professor Roy’s research on the synthesis of natural polymers of bacterial origin including Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and Bacterial cellulose. She will describe how these polymers can be used in a range of biomedical applications including tissue engineering, drug delivery and medical device development. In her talk she will outline the synthesis process, the benefits of such polymers and how they can be processed using fused deposition modelling (FDM), bioprinting and other processing techniques to develop more physiologically relevant tissue models, tissue engineering scaffolds and medical implants.
Prof. Ipsita Roy, Univeristy of Sheffield
Q&A session with the speakers
Lunch and Networking
Hands-on group training
Hosted by the Field Application Specialists, CELLINK & Nanoscribe
Hands-on group training
Hosted by the Field Application Specialists, CELLINK & Nanoscribe
Poster presentations and Networking drinks
Arrival, registration and refreshments
Overview of the day
Marco Domingos
Henry Royce Institute
This presentation will focus on the synthesis of bio-based polymers suitable for additive manufacturing. Several examples of different applications in tissue engineering will be presented. The limitations and possibilities of various polymer synthesis strategies will be discussed.
Prof. Jorge Coelho
The University of Coimbra
Description coming soon
Remmi Baker, PhD, Business Development, Nanoscribe
Pierre-Alexandre Laurent, PhD, Senior Application Scientist, CELLINK
The Quantum X bio is the first 3D bioprinter of its kind; enabling sub-micron printing resolution, and raising the bar for high-precision 3D bioprinting. Powered by NANOSCRIBE’s proprietary Two-Photon Grayscale Lithography (2GL®) technology and CELLINK’s award-winning cell-friendly solutions, the Quantum X bio has been customized and reimagined for cell biologists and biomedical engineers. High-throughput batch production and precision printing meet patented Clean Chamber sterilization technologies, advanced temperature controls, metadata collection, and biocompatibility to empower scientists and engineers with the fastest and most shape-accurate 3D printer on the market. In this live product demo, we will discuss how the Quantum X bio will accelerate innovation and production in critical application areas for biomedical technologies, tissue engineering, cell biology, and regenerative medicine.
Remmi Baker, PhD, Business Development, Nanoscribe
Just 12% of drugs that enter clinical development are ultimately successfully approved for market use. Candidates often fail due to lack of efficacy when finally tested in humans in late-stage trials, due to limitations of current in vitro and in vivo models used in research. Most target and drug discovery programmes rely on in vitro testing of mammalian cells grown on artificial substrates in single-layer sheets or artificial 3D substrates, which does not accurately represent the composition of human tissues. To improve the success rate of drug discovery, Engitix first-in-class proprietary platform, it is underpinned by our human physiologically realistic in vitro 3-D models that are serving as tools in transforming our ability to identify new targets and more accurately predict the efficacy of therapeutic candidates. The Engitix assay combines the human extracellular matrix-based discovery platform with nanocellulose as supporting material and by exploiting the BIO X technology it allows us to drive the identification and validation of targets for fibrosis and cancer.
Lisa Sassi, Scientist, Engitix Therapeutics
At CTI BIOTECH we can now 3D-Bioprint human tumours and keep them alive for more than 8 months. This innovation allows a strong movement towards not only personalized medicine, but also the possibility to side-by-side follow the chemotherapy of an individual patient to investigate why resistance to a particular treatment starts. Further to that our 3D-bioprinted human tumours are advancing preclinical research faster than ever before since we can take a tiny part of the patient’s biopsy and 3D-bioprint hundreds of models to create model tumours to that found in the patient and use the models to investigate not only new drugs, but also cellular treatments like CAR-T and NK cell strategies. For the first time, these innovations allow better prediction of therapy outcome and faster movement to new strategies, using a convergence of advanced technologies to mimic in the lab what is happening in patients. In addition, we have created the world’s widest range of 3D bioprinted skin models for drug and molecule screening, including: basic skin, vascularized skin, pigmented skin, immunized skin.
Clement Milet, Laboratory Director
Q&A session with the speakers
Lunch and Networking
Hands-on group training
Hosted by the Field Application Specialists, CELLINK & Nanoscribe
Hands-on group training
Hosted by the Field Application Specialists, CELLINK & Nanoscribe
Closing remarks
Tom Hancocks & Marco Domingos, Henry Royce Institute
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