SC3DP - CELLINK Joint Research, Innovation and Development Lab Opening

DATE: 7 DEC 2023
Where: 63 Nanyang Drive, The ARC, Level 1, TR+15, Singapore 636922

Join us for the grand opening of the joint Research, Innovation and Development Lab between CELLINK and Singapore Centre for 3D Printing.

Register here

Schedule at a glance

09:30-09:50Opening Speech
Prof. Paulo Jorge Da Silva Bartolo
Executive Director of SC3DP, Nanyang Technological University
09:50-10:20Introduction to CELLINK
Dr. Itedale Namro Redwan
10:20-10:50SC3DP Seminar
11:00-11:30Refreshment break
11:30-13:00SC3DP Lab Tour and CELLINK Demos