Comparing Drug Response in 2D Cultures and 3D Bioprinted Tumoroids
This application note comparing drug efficacy in 3D bioprinted tumoroids biofabricated with the BIO X, GelMA and Coll 1 bioinks. The bioprinted constructs are robust models for evaluating drug efficacy. Bioprinted tumoroids also show that 3D modeling allows for relevant cell morphology and migratory patterns and for responses to anticancer drugs that differ from traditional 2D cell culturing. There is an urgent need for predictive and representative tumor models for cancer research.
Learn how:
- GelMA and Coll 1 provide tumoroids a stable tumor microenvironment for spheroid formation and drug diffusion.
- Different kill-curve patterns for constructs made with GelMA and Coll 1 suggest that ECM plays a critical role in drug response.
- Dose-dependent and cell-specific responses in 2D vs 3D models suggest there is an elevated level of drug resistance in 3D models.
- Bioprinted tumoroids are relevant 3D models for drug efficacy screening that can reduce instances of false-negative and false-positive predictions.
- Future studies can scale up tumoroid production with the BIO X for high-throughput drug testing.